fr uses internal and external databases to support its client services.
Our internal database consists of:
- A comprehensive CD-ROM library
- A digital project management system for project and client administration with an integrated document management system WinJur®
- Digital document management system for contract design and contract administration: fr_digital_knowledge_management (fr_dkm™)
- Digital claim administration management system with a modular structure adjustable to the respective project requirement profile: fr_claim_management_system (fr_cms™)
- Internet Link Manager: a database of the highest quality e-business internet links (fr_ilm™)
Our external database consists of:
- JURIS legal information system (this system contains comprehensive up-to-date documentation on German law as well as the decisions of the most important German courts)
- CELEX legal information system (this system contains comprehensive documentation on European law as well as the latest decisions of the European courts)
- CREDITREFORM information system (an on-line credit assessment system and a system of obtaining information about the financial status of a company).
We transmit the results of our advice to our clients via any desired electronic mode of communication so that these results can be used in our clients' own computer network or be transferred to their own data carriers for re-use. Upon request, we additionally use the desired encoder techniques and digital signatures. Our law firm is equipped for video conferencing.