fr_database_ebusiness_law_(b2b) (fr_del™)
The tool fr_del™ originated in our e@rbeit project. fr_del™ is a CD-ROM based tool which comprises knowledgement management related to the subject e-business. It contains detailed base knowledge processed for management and employees of companies who are involved in e-business or preparing for same. fr_del™ is structured by the following text-modules.
- fr_riskmanagement_ebusiness
- Implementation strategy of fr_riskmanagementsystems_ebusiness
- Empirical analysis of e-business statistical data
- Analysis of B2B issues in e-business
- Terminology in e-business, B2B, B2C
- Contract Law
- Law applicable in contracts (national / international issues)
- Internet Contracts
- Use of terms and conditions on the internet
- Internet technical specification and documentation
- Jurisdiction
- Enforcement
- Competition Law
- Cartels/Monopolies
- Copyright/Intellectual Property
- Domain Names
- Data Protection Law
- Media Law
- Employment and Labour Law
- Taxation
- Criminal Law
- Drafting of business documents for the internet
- Insurance concepts and electronic business transactions
- Electronic Communication
- Digital Signatures
- Encryption
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- Electronic Payment
- Auctions
- Dispute resolution in connection with e-business
- Internet advertising
- Tools
- Legal obligations
- International
- European
- German
- Secondary Legislation
- Legal developments (de lege ferenda)
- International
- European
- German
- Case Law
- International
- European
- German
- Typical e-business terms
- Checklists: e-business Drafting and contracts
- fr_ebusiness_linkmanager (fr_elm™)
- fr_literaturdatenbank_ebusiness
- fr_ebusiness_glossary (fr_ebg™)
- fr_elearning_tool (fr_elt™)
fr_del™ provides an extensive glossary connected by hyperlinks to the business terminology in text modules. Additionally, the tool contains standard terms and check lists to facilitate everyday tasks. These can be directly accessed through the task bar at any place and in any text module.
Every text module is equipped with a number of multiple choice questions linked to the fr_elearning_tool (fr_elt™) providing management with a fully flexible knowledge management tool. The learning effect can always be controlled by answering these questions. The e-learning tool is set up to randomly generate 100 questions from the entire stock. Once 75 of these 100 questions are correctly answered the employee/manager is awarded the fr "Master of E-Business" certificate.