Hyperlinks are held in blue. By clicking on them you will automatically reach a website on the internet or a different category of the current one.
Via the dynamic navigation bar on the left, you may reach any category on our website.
If you chose a category in the main navigation menu, you will, in most cases, be able to pick a sub-category. Once you have made your final choice, you will reach the selected website. The current level is indicated by the blue links and in the address bar.
At the left bottom of the screen, further features are displayed: These are:
Clicking here will take you to the starting page. |
Clicking here allows you to search for any term on the entire fr web site . |
Clicking here allows you to directly address inquiries and suggestions to fr. |
Clicking here will automatically display the current website in print mode and may then be printed via the Internet-Explorer's print menu |
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